March 19, 2019

Program ASASI pintar UKM (pengalaman dan kemasukan)

Salam Guys, 

It has been forever since I had written anything in this blog, It just came to my mind that I want to start writing and be an author in the future. Currently I am studying for medical degree and there is a lot in my mind for me to share. 

As I've been going through the stages of life until now, I found out that blog posts regarding their institutions and the experiences within them had helped vast amount of people to decide their application. I know people are having a hard time to gain information about their future choices of programs, that's why I am doing the same thing for ASASI pintar UKM (abrreviation; aspi) , my pre-U program. It is conducted at PERMATApintar National Gifted Centre. In the end of the post, I will share the my opinion on the rationale of choosing this asasi among others.

ASASI pintar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is a 1-year pre-U program for SPM leavers to enter UKM only. It is important to understand that ASASIpintar  leavers can only choose UKM for their destinated IPTA, unless you guys want to go to private institutions, then just go and pay.

Like other asasi programs, you have to apply through the UPU system and just checkout the minimum requirement there. Despite the min requirement, most of my friends here got straight As, maybe some had 1/2 Bs but to be safe, straight As. You have to be from science streams and ASASIpintar only offers science subjects and you have to take the three typical science subjects (biology, chemistry and physics). These are the subjects that will be take in ASASIpintar:

Semester 1
  1. Biology I
  2. Chemistry I
  3. Physics I
  4. Mathematical Reasoning
  5. Statistics
  6. Language and Literature Appreciation
  7. Jati Diri Kebangsaan
  8. Research Skills
Semester 2
  1. Biology II
  2. Chemistry II
  3. Physics II
  4. Vector Calculus
  5. Critical Analysis
  6. Leadership and Decision Making
  7. Research Project
I will show how ASASIpintar differs with other science Pre-U program. Mathematical Reasoning and Calculus is the equivalent of Math subjects in other programs. Compare to other programs where usually only 4 subjects  are taken into account for CGPA, ASASIpintar includes all, thus some disadvantages because additional subjects like Statistics and Research are quite hard. Please bare in mind that CGPA is very important to determine your future degree. Since you can only apply in UKM, there will be some advantages among Aspi students, such as easier admission and the CGPA requirement is made less strict, but it all depends on the dean's office of the faculty but I can assure you that most courses will prioritize Aspi students as long as you achieved the minimum CGPA.

For medical degree (I am talking about this because this is the most popular issue that everyone will be wondering), you just need to achieve minimal 3.8 CGPA, whereas in other institution you generally to achieve 4.00. However, 3.8 is quite hard to achieve, in my batch, there is about 15++ who got 3.8 and above among 140-170 students ( I dont remember) and only 9 put MD as the first choice and only 8 got accepted. I would say the chance is low but hey, you can do it just study hard and smart. It is entirely possible.

As for students' life, they will be located at UKM's residential college, usually either Kolej Keris Mas or Kolej Pendeta Za'aba in a twin room. Co-curricular activities (Example: volunteerism, sports, social projects, interviews, videos, cultural events, arts, movie award and show nights, dinner)  are a lot especially most of them are part of the subjects in asasi. Thus, time will be quite limited, not to mention full day classes 5 days a week (just like matrikulasi and other asasi).

Since the asasi size is small, I guarantee you it will be very fun and you will have a very great relation and bonding with your batchmates.

1) Small students number, better experiences
2) Really want to enter UKM
3) Love science subjects and research. (as well as challenging study)
4) University vibe (located at main campus)
5) Lots of fun activities and events that are usually joined by every batchmates.

I would questions, please ask anything below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is just for your review, I hold no accountability if the information is any different with the current batch, please refer the administration for precise information.

December 20, 2013

Sekilas lalu Sem 2 di MRSM Gemencheh.

           Yay!!dekat post sebelum ni ana ada cakapnk sambung cite permata pintar yg mmg ana xkan lupa dlm hidup ana. Ana akan sambung cerita pasal PPCS next post. k?
             Ana nk ckp, pd post ini dan seterusnya ana akan cmembahasakan diri ana sebagai ana krn apa? krn ana suka, hehe.Ana juga ada cita2 nk jadi arabic speaker :3
               Mcm, yg tertulis pd tajuk post ni, ana nk ceritakan balik apa yg berlaku time semester 2 tahun 2013 ni, yay!.. semester ini ana agak happy sbb ana dpt keputusan yg agak baik pd semester sebelum ni, jadi ana dapat anugerahnya pd semester 2.
                   Ana juga agk happy pd minggu aktiviti sbb masa minggu aktiviti tu ada pertandingan nama dia Golden Bell Challenge, ana mula2 x smgt je nk buat, tpi at last, ana dpt Juara hahaha. Mmg x disangka-sangka.. hehe. Lepastu, ptgtu ana ada main dodgeball, ana x smgt langsung time tu, tapi, walaupun kelas ana dpt tmpt last, ana boleh dikatakan mmbntu, and that's first time I think ana sgt mmnbantu in that kind of thing. Ana mmg happy, nk buat cmne? Sekarang ni exam sem 2 dh habis, ana dpt keputusan baik, sama mcm sem lepas. :)
               Lagi 1, Ana x sangka pada sem 2 ni grup ana mng tmpt pertama time musabaqah GEMPAQ, yg ni mmg ana terkejut gila sbb grup ana hanya jwb soalan tafsir sje, hmm. Byk lagi cme bende yg lain x pyh cerita sbb aq x minat sgt. :P. Lagipun, baik kita keng bende baik jekn, haha :) .ANYWAY, 


December 19, 2013

PPCS PERMATAPintar Negara.. best XP ever!!

Nampak x ni gmbr ape?

hahhahhahahah, Inilah permulaan aq dlm, boleh katakan, memasuki pengalaman hidupku yg terbaik(mungkin)... Sebab apa, sebab aq mmg rasa very happy, gembira, tak pernah rasa sepuas ni dalam hidup aq. Jadi, gambar ni menunjukkan aq tgh beratur pegi ASRAMA...HUH, SO, AQ AKN CERITA PENGALAMAN KU..

  Kalau korang search internet, kem ni sebenarnya untuk golongan pintar.. tapi aq x rasa aq pintar pon, lagipun exam yg diberi tu bkn compulsory bagi sume org, jadi ia bkn 1 kebanggaan.. thanks to unit pencarian bakat jgk yg memilih aq..1st impressiom aq dgn tmpt ni sume org, really2 genious.. and they are.. I have dormate yg sgt pandai, di F3 and dia mungkin dh habis belajar silibus sekolah, I say like that because he knows everything. so, aq mmg tabik dia, needless to say. :)

Aq juga sgt2 berterima kasih dkt my cousins Amirah Balqis, she is also brilliant, but, unfortunately she didnt get it, but it doesnt matter, Allah nk bagi lebih baik kot. Tapi dialah yg ckp pasal exam ni aq. OH, Jazakillahu khairan kathira... Aq dekat sini buat kursus Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik, yaitu menyelesaikan masalah matematik bertaraf olimpian,dan IA SUSAH -.- nnti smbung post lain.

June 23, 2013

Jadilah pendorong impian orang, bukan penghalang.. :).

Bismillah.. Sebelum ni, aq ade tengok video ni., video ni very interesting tapi aq x boleh terangkan lagio.. tengoklah dulu.

Dah tengok dah.. Sebenarnya, video menyampaikan yang kita jangan berputusasa dengan impian kita walaupun sebesar mana pon. Tapi, aq nak cakap , Janganlah kita jadi penghalang impian atau jalan kejayaan seseorang.
Seseorang tu mungkin aq rasa bahagia dengan mencampai impian dia. nak tanya lagi?

Konklusinya disini, jangan berputus asa dan jangan menghalang impian orang lain.Sekurang-kurangnya kita mati dengan mencampai impian kita bukan mati dengan impian orang lain

- keep calm :) -

June 22, 2013

Kumpulan tasmi' ku :)


Tadi, aku terbaca post seseorang berkaitan grup tasmie'. Jadi, aq rase nk post pasal kumpulan tasmie' aku. kumpulan tasmie' aq consist of 9 orang dan satu ustaz :). Pada mulayanya, ustaz tasmie' aq yang tersayang ialah Ustaz Huda!! Haha, ustaz ni baik sangat. pastu bile masuk tahun 2013, tukar Ustaz Nordin.. Ustaz ni pon baik. Aq rase bertuah sangat sebab dapat ustaz yang baik-baik.

Ketua kumpulan tasmie' aq adalah Arief Hady(oryx).
die pon baik sangat, x tau nk ckp ape lagy.

ahli-ahli lain ialah, Muhammad Nabil(keyua batch bhai.), Muhammad Zakwan(bocay, plg laju lelaki), Zuhazzin Zulkifli(zu), 
Muhammad Zulfadhli(zul), Muhammad Zulikflie(zouk), Abdul Muhaimin Zainal(min), Aiman Hakim Azmi
( ^_^)..
Ahli grup aq semuanye.. best.. tahun ni grup aq best sket, sbb ade grup dlm FB.. haha.
Doakan kita orang dapat jadi al-hafiz,x kan lupa kenangan dgn ahli kumpulan tasmie'.

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